Year 1 (Overview) - Diploma 

In Year 1 students choose a pathway in either Technical, Post Production or Craft as well as completing compulsory studies within Production + Development. The course breaks down into eight hours of pathway studies, then a further four hours of Production + Development, alongside a two hours a week intro to storytelling course. Students also complete 1 hr of Careers + Portfolio Development. This is a total of 15 hours of Film + TV studies which is completed alongside their Additional qualification, attending screenings in A-Stage and the industry Masterclasses.  It is a packed and busy week intended to support students in their development into full time work or further study.  

Year 2 (Overview) - Extended Diploma 

In Year 2, students have the opportunity to further refine their specialism within their chosen pathway to ensure they have the breadth of knowledge from year 1, combined with the depth of knowledge in year 2 which prepares student for work or further specialist study.

The specialist study accounts for 10 hours a week of students’ timetables in Year 2, with 4 hours a week spent studying the Production and Development department, with 1 final hr being used to help with Careers + Portfolio development. Second year students also continue with their AdQual, screenings as well as weekly Masterclasses. 

Where can it lead

Pathway Option 1: Technical

The Technical pathway is focused on the broad range of technical elements you require to work within film & TV. The learning includes projects focused on cameras, understanding lighting and formation of sound. This also includes introduction to editing skills. 

Pathway Option 2: Post Production

Post pathway is focused on the areas of craft that are applied within Post-production such as editing, VFX but also animation skills and camera skills to support Post Production.

Pathway Option 3: Craft

Craft is focused on multiple design and art specialisms within craft department specialisms in film & TV. Students are introduced to art direction Art Direction Costume, Hair + Makeup Project as well as Camera for Craft.