
At Priestley College we understand that the nature of employment in the United Kingdom economy and beyond is constantly changing. In order to help our students meet the challenges set by these changes, we aim to provide our students with a comprehensive package of impartial careers information, advice and guidance lead by our two fully qualified and Matrix-accredited Careers Advisers.

The main aim of this support is to enable students to make fully informed decisions and plan their progression from College to the next stage in their career, be that university, an apprenticeship, or some other form of positive activity.

Much of this work takes place through the weekly tutorial system. In addition we organise a series of speakers, workshops and visits throughout the academic year to provide students with up to date information about the local, national and international labour market, as well as specialist presentations from representatives of many professions and university departments. Included in this are regular presentations about volunteering opportunities, which for many students are a crucial way of confirming their career ideas.

Our qualified Careers Advisers are available every day to offer 1-1 impartial guidance to students and their parents / carers, typical areas for discussion include;

  • Long term career choice
  • Subject combinations
  • University applications
  • Student finance
  • Apprenticeship & training opportunities
  • Job search techniques
  • Professional CV and letter writing

In addition they also deliver sessions within the tutorial programme in order to support our team of personal tutors.

All our classroom and individual careers work is supported and enhanced by our Careers ‘Moodle’ page which all our students can access via any internet enabled device. This contains a wide range of resources, including labour market information, for students to use as part of their own career development.

Explore your career options...

Not only do we work with National Careers Service to provide students with the most up to date information, advice and guidance, we also work with the following organisations to ensure we offer a comprehensive careers and enterprise programme:


Students are being coached through the tutorial programme to use Unifrog as a diary of their experiences, skills and activities that they have whilst at Priestley College.

It is an award-winning online platform which will help our students to make intelligent choices about their future, while allowing tutors to track their progress. Students will be able to use Unifrog for both apprenticeship and university searches and the platform can be used in conjunction with the UCAS website.

This may include any university contact via presentations that may take place in college, or taster days,  work experience, competitions, assignments that have developed specific skills, sports teams, enrichment activities even DofE. Click here to sign in.


Set up parental access to Unifrog

This is very useful if you want to see what the system does, help your child to research options or just take a look at what is available in higher education. You will not be given access to your child’s account, but you will be able to access the system and make use of it.


Step 1: open UNIFROG, this is found at:








Step 2: this screen will appear, click on SIGN IN FOR THE FIRST TIME









Step 3: this screen will appear.  In the FORM CODE put parentpriestley (as shown) and fill in the rest: