Careers service

Starting a new course is an exciting time and is the beginning of your career journey with us. Our careers team is there for when you need to make decisions about your future career plans, exploring your choices and career interests. We will help you plan for your future.

There are two Careers Advisers, Lindsey Ascough and Lisa Partridge. Lisa works specifically with those learners who have Educational Health Care Plans. Learners can book a careers guidance appointment by emailing: When booking an appointment it will help us if you can provide information on what you need help with.

Aged 19 and over

Get in touch with our friendly Careers Coaches, who would be happy to run through any questions you may have.

They can also help you with CV Writing, Mock Interviews and can provide impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.

You can get in touch with them via 01709 362111 Ext 2656 between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays or email at:

Careers Team Mission Statement

We are committed to providing high quality, impartial careers information, advice and guidance tailored to meet individual needs.

We will support and inspire our learners to empower them to realise their career goals and progress with their career plans.

Careers and Employability Hub

On each campus we have a Careers and Employability Hub where you can find all kinds of careers and labour market information. Learners will also find careers information on our Careers Google site and in our libraries.

The National Careers Service is also available to support our learners. Available 7 days a week, on line or call 0800 100 900.

Careers Development Programme

Our careers and enrichment programmes are designed to engage and empower you by providing a variety of engaging activities that expose you to the world of work and enables you to develop transferable skills.

Through events you will have the opportunity to meet a range of employers, university representatives and apprenticeship providers as well as voluntary organisations. You also have the opportunity to undertake work experience.

We encourage you to join in with these activities to discover more about the world of work and to understand how your career aspirations fit in.

Have a look at our Careers Journey Programme to find out more about what we offer.

Learners at Rotherham College

The Gatsby Benchmarks and Government Policy

The Government issued a new careers guidance strategy in February 2018 for colleges along with a requirement for colleges to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

The Gatsby Benchmarks underpin the College careers programme. Our goal is to ensure our learners:

  • Have the opportunity to spend time with an informed adviser and have information, advice and guidance interviews with the careers team at a time which is appropriate for the learner and is tailored to their needs;
  • Have access to high quality information on future pathways and the labour market;
  • Are challenged and encouraged to consider careers which they may not usually consider;
  • Understand links between their course and careers particularly the importance of Maths and English for future employment;
  • Explore more about different careers and the labour market needs of different job sectors through talks, visits, events, industry placements and uptodate information;
  • Have the opportunity to understand the progression pathways including, academic and vocational routes at 16+, including FE courses, apprenticeships as well as learning at higher education. This will include careers fairs, visits, talks and events from the college apprenticeship team as well as Rotherham UCR, Higher Education Progression Partnership (HEPP) team and our other partner organisations. We will support learners making applications to university, college, jobs or apprenticeships;
  • Gain skills through coaching sessions in preparation for university or job interviews.

Working with Employers

It is vital our learners gain insights into the future needs of the world of work, understand the expectations of an employee and learn about how businesses are managed. We offer our learners a range of opportunities to spend time with employers through mentoring, work experience, events, site visits, industry talks and social projects.

These activities provide employers the opportunity to engage with our learners, to influence the next generation of entrepreneurs and to prepare employees for the realities of work.

This contributes to raising aspirations of our learners, encouraging them to explore different and new careers and to go onto exciting and rewarding careers.

Any employers who would like to find out more about how they could support our learners please contact Lindsey Ascough

Partnerships & Events

We work with many organisations from the world of business, education and the voluntary sector as well as our alumni, to support our learners with their careers aspirations. We rely on these organisations to support the many events we run throughout the year. If any organisations or former students would like to find out more about supporting our learners please contact Lindsey Ascough

Please click the button below for advice on provider access.

We work in partnership with the Higher Education Progression Partnership (HeppSY) to provide higher education activities for our learners. As such we have a data agreement in place. Further details of which can be viewed in the Privacy Notice.

If you would like more information on the range of activities offered by HeppSY, go to

Click here to see the HeppSY extended privacy notice


We’ve included some other sources of information for you to understand more about all the different options available and to help you decide on your future goals. Click the links below to find out more:

The National Careers Service
University Guide
Paying tuition fees and living costs

Help getting a job

Click the following link to create and build your CV.

Further advice on our careers programme

Our IAG service is quality assured through Matrix Standard accreditation. We are affiliate members of the Careers Development Institute, the professional body for careers, which covers the professional practice for members.

For assistance with the careers programme or the college strategy please contact our Careers Leader Lindsey Ascough on


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