Your application 1


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Enrolling at College 2023/24

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Unsure what course to study?

You just need to answer three simple questions about your study preferences, interests and predicted grades and we can suggest courses that might suit you.

  • 1 Study type
  • 2 Your Interests
  • 3 Your Grades
Question 1

How would you prefer to study?

Question 2

What are your interests?

Question 3

What grades have you achieved or are predicted?

These results are a suggestion of courses you may want to explore but are by no means a definitive list and individual entry requirements do apply.

Computing (Extended) Diploma Level 3

Practical Vs Theory


Course overview

Advance your knowl­edge of com­put­er sci­ence and the fun­da­men­tal under­stand­ing of com­put­er sys­tems. This course will give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to devel­op an under­stand­ing of how com­put­ers work and skills in pro­gram­ming, man­ag­ing net­works, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, design­ing and devel­op­ing appli­ca­tions and web­sites and games development. 


What Does The Pro­gramme Include

You will learn new skills through lec­tures, demon­stra­tions, e‑learning, pri­vate study, prac­ti­cal work­shops, inves­tiga­tive work, case stud­ies, guest speak­ers and group work.

Entry Require­ments

5 GCSEs at grades 4/C or above includ­ing Eng­lish and a 6/B in maths.

Alter­na­tive­ly, a Mer­it in a rel­e­vant Lev­el 2 Diplo­ma, and a GCSE grade 4/C in Eng­lish and maths, or a pass for func­tion­al skills Lev­el 2 Eng­lish and Maths.

We will review each appli­ca­tion on a case-by-case basis to ensure you get a place on the course most suit­able for you. One of the ways we do this is through a very effec­tive 6 weeks to suc­cess’ pro­gramme that oper­ates from the first day you start your course. This includes sup­port such as (but not lim­it­ed to):

Allow­ing you to change cours­es if you change your mind in the first 6 weeks — sub­ject to course availability

Mov­ing you between course lev­els if you are find­ing your cur­rent lev­el too easy / too hard — sub­ject to course availability

One-to-one reviews with your aca­d­e­m­ic tutor to ensure you are pro­gress­ing and achiev­ing well

A Mer­it in your first year is required to enter the sec­ond year Extend­ed Diploma.

Our course enquiries and admis­sions team can be con­tact­ed at enquiries@​stamford.​ac.​uk should you have any fur­ther questions.

How The Course Will Be Assessed

There are four exter­nal­ly set and marked assess­ments, two are writ­ten exam­i­na­tions and two are con­trolled assess­ments. The remain­ing assess­ments con­sist of inter­nal­ly set and marked assignments.

Poten­tial Future Career

On suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of this course you can progress on to the HND in Com­put­ing and Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems at Uni­ver­si­ty Cen­tre Peter­bor­ough or oth­er degrees at Uni­ver­si­ty. You could also enter employ­ment as a:

  • Web Design­er
  • Net­work Administrator
  • Help-desk Ana­lyst
  • Soft­ware Developer
  • Sys­tems Analyst
  • Teacher

Course Con­tent

You will study a range of units including:

  • Prin­ci­ples of Com­put­er Science
  • Fun­da­men­tals of Com­put­er Systems
  • Plan­ning and Man­age­ment of Com­put­ing Projects
  • Soft­ware Design and Development
  • IT Sys­tems Secu­ri­ty and Encryption
  • Busi­ness Appli­ca­tions of Social Media
  • The Impact of Computing
  • Human Com­put­er Intervention
  • Com­put­er Games Development
  • Web­site Development
  • Object-Ori­ent­ed Programming
  • Com­put­er Networking
  • Man­ag­ing and Sup­port­ing Systems

Course Trips

You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in exter­nal trips, such as Alton Tow­ers, Bletch­ley Park Com­put­er Muse­um and Ama­zon amongst oth­ers. You will meet a range of guest speak­ers from the indus­try to give you top tips for advanc­ing your career in IT.


Where Next?

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