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Unsure what course to study?

You just need to answer three simple questions about your study preferences, interests and predicted grades and we can suggest courses that might suit you.

  • 1 Study type
  • 2 Your Interests
  • 3 Your Grades
Question 1

How would you prefer to study?

Question 2

What are your interests?

Question 3

What grades have you achieved or are predicted?

These results are a suggestion of courses you may want to explore but are by no means a definitive list and individual entry requirements do apply.

Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles Technical Certificate Level 2

Practical Vs Theory


Course overview

This course is designed to pro­vide you with the the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal skills you need to progress into employ­ment in the auto­mo­tive indus­try. You will devel­op a sol­id under­stand­ing of light vehi­cle sys­tem units and com­po­nents by cov­er­ing many aspects of light vehi­cle repair, includ­ing remov­ing and replac­ing engines, and elec­tri­cal and chas­sis units.


Entry Require­ments

Light Vehi­cle Main­te­nance and Repair Prin­ci­ples Diplo­ma Lev­el 1, or sig­nif­i­cant indus­try expe­ri­ence with GCSE Eng­lish and maths at grades 4/C or equivalent.

We also run a 6 weeks to suc­cess pro­gramme’ that oper­ates from the first day you start your course. This includes sup­port including<?xml:namespace pre­fix = o” ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />

· Allow­ing you to change cours­es if you change your mind in the first 6 weeks ‑sub­ject to availability

· Mov­ing you between course lev­els if you are find­ing your cur­rent lev­el too easy / too hard, sub­ject to availability

· One-to-one reviews with your aca­d­e­m­ic tutor to ensure you are pro­gress­ing and achiev­ing well 

· Adding Eng­lish and maths GCSE resits in to your timetable if you don’t achieve a Grade 4 or above

Poten­tial Future Career

On suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of this course, you can progress to the Lev­el 3 Light Vehi­cle Main­te­nance and Repair Prin­ci­ples Diplo­ma or apply for a Motor Vehi­cle Ser­vice and Main­te­nance Appren­tice­ship Stan­dard Lev­el 3.

You will also need to have achieved your GCSE maths and Eng­lish at 4 or above to progress further.

Course Con­tent

Dur­ing your study you will have access to the motor vehi­cle work­shop where you will be giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to per­fect your prac­ti­cal skills as well as car­ry­ing out class­room based the­o­ret­i­cal learn­ing. You will cov­er more advanced motor vehi­cle sub­jects such as chas­sis tech­nol­o­gy, engines, trans­mis­sion and elec­tri­cal and elec­tron­ic technology.


What next?

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