Choosing a career

Choosing what to do with your life is not easy, but with information, advice and guidance from our Careers Adviser we can help you go through at all the options you might be considering. Our role is to equip you with career development skills to help you make your own informed choice.

There’s lots to consider; what does the job involve? Does it suit your skills? How much will you earn? How many jobs will there be in the future?

Researching these questions is important as you will be investing time and possibly money if you are not eligible for free tuition fees so you want to make sure it’s right for you.

Explore different occupations

Useful online career resources

  • Career Toolbox – browse jobs, career ideas, apprenticeships and self employment as well as CV & cover letter templates.
  • The National Careers Service – job profiles, skills check and job hunting advice.
  • icould – video career journeys of over 1000 people, from all walks of life.